Often you will hear application and runtime patterns described as design patterns, as they reflect the concrete physical design of the application being built. 您常常听说应用程序模式和运行时模式被称为设计模式,这是因为它们反映了所构建的应用程序的具体的物理设计。
If the anticipated cost is high, they tune the statement and the physical design of the database to reduce its anticipated cost, often by adding an index. 如果预期成本很高,他们会调整语句和数据库的物理设计(常常会添加索引),从而降低预期成本。
The first thing is: The physical design of your database is critically important, especially the indexes. 第一件事是数据库的物理设计是极其重要的,尤其是索引。
Integrates with Rational Data Architect for seamless transition from logical to physical design 与RationalDataArchitect集成,以便无缝地从逻辑设计过渡到物理设计
As you can see, the design of the XO laptop is revolutionary from its physical design to its user interface. 如您所见,XO膝上型电脑的设计从物理设计到用户界面都具有开创性。
Self-tuning memory simply reacts to observed performance characteristics and does its best to compensate for physical design flaws. 内存自调优功能仅仅对观察到的性能特征做出反应,尽可能对物理设计缺陷采取补偿措施。
Use object-based system architecture and UML to capture both logical and physical design 采用面向对象的系统架构和UML以获取逻辑和物理设计
I own an Android tablet and have tested several others, but I liked the Xperia Z's physical design best. 我本身就有一款安卓系统的平板电脑,也测试过其他的几款,但我还是最偏爱XperiaZ的设计。
Physical Design and Commissioning Analysis of the Double Turret Type Rotary Side Trimming Shear 双头回转式圆盘剪结构设计和调试分析
How can real estate developers earn a premium by proposing cutting-edge projects that incorporate advanced technology and fine-grained physical design? 房地产开发商怎样通过提出综合高科技和精细结构设计的前沿项目来赚取额外收益?
Land use and physical health are closely linked, as research shows that the physical design of communities shapes our behavior and activity patterns, and impacts our exposure to harmful pollutants. 土地用途和人类健康有著密切的关系。研究发现社区的地形设计会影响人类的行为和活动模式,甚至增加接触污染物的机会。
Evaluates the usefulness of existing physical design structures and recommends dropping seldom used structures. 将评估现有物理设计结构的使用情况,并建议删除很少使用的结构。
Tab, clear the recommended physical design structures that you do not want to use. 选项卡上,清除那些已列出但您不想使用的物理设计结构。
Samsung said it has a20-nm physical design kit available for customers. 另外三星还表示其20nm设计用工具目前已经开放给其客户使用。
It analyzes current issues of city form in relation to city making, social structure, and physical design. 主要分析与城市建造、会结构与实体设计相关的当今城市形式议题。
During this process of producing a physical design, the two key elements are table design and index design. 在产生物理设计的这个过程当中,有两大要素,即表设计和索引设计。
A documented device specification or set of specifications derived from the input requirements should exist at the beginning of the physical design project. 在实物设计工程的初期应该具有由输入规定衍生而来的成文的器械规格或成套的规格。
Evaluate the existing physical design structures only, but not to consider adding any new structures. 仅评估现有的物理设计结构,但不考虑添加任何新的结构。
Semi-custom Physical Design Methodology Research Based on Owned Embedded System CPU 基于自主嵌入式处理器的半自定制物理设计方法研究
The advisor can also recommend what statistics should be collected to back up physical design structures. 此顾问还可针对应收集哪些统计信息来备份物理设计结构提出建议。
Command-line utility to tune a database as if this combination of existing and hypothetical physical design structures was already implemented. 命令行实用工具来优化数据库,就像已经实施此现有物理设计结构和假设物理设计结构的组合一样。
Indeed, software is already trumping physical design as the source of competitive advantage in mobile phones. 实际上,软件正取代实体设计,成为手机竞争优势的来源。
Complexity Physical Design Methods Based on the Reverse Engineering 基于逆向工程的复杂形体造型设计方法的研究
The whole design is verified on fpga, and physical design is completed. 整个设计在fpga上通过验证,并且完成了芯片的物理设计。
The physical design will be functional expansion is good, and advanced hardware configuration advantages. 该设计的实物将有功能扩展性好,硬件配置先进等优点。
As the physical design evolves, the specifications usually become more specific and more detailed. 随着实物设计的进步,这些规格通常会变得更加具体详细。
Physical design structures include indexes, indexed views, and partitioning. 物理设计结构包括索引、索引视图和分区。
Facade material's tactile sensation and physical design of large window harmoniously reflect with each other, lit resident's life fervor and bring noble life taste. 立面的材质质感与大幅度窗体结构设计和谐辉映,点燃居者的生活热情并为主人带来高贵生活感受。
Physical design of multicell thermionic RF gun with low back bombardment 低反轰多腔热阴极微波电子枪物理设计